1. I am having a wonderful adventure!
2. Yes it is difficult AND highly rewarding
3. I am exhausted at the end of each day.
4. There always seems to be someone along the way to encourage me.
5. People from all over the world .. most with an interesting story to share.
6. My goal is to finish AND enjoy the journey.
7. Maine is spectacular wilderness .. looking forward to seeing a Moose!
8. Love to share my adventures.
9. Communication is a challenge.
10. I am keeping a daily journal.
11. Beginning each day with a Psalm 1 - 150.
12. More stories to tell than I can commit to recording.
13. Figuring out how to get pictures from camera and phone.

I am in Monson ME at Shaw's Hiker Hostel. Made it to jo-Mary Rd yesterday. Hitched in to town for resupply rest time. The AT is a wonderful experience. Tough hiking climbing rock hopping ... lakes and streams to swim fish clam drink along the way! cell phone can be most confusing.  Never no when messages actually send.  Trying to use "send my location" as an update.

 Mt. Katahdin was amazing. Hiking with lots of interesting people from all over the world. Started off with four teens down the Hunt Trail jumping down through holes between rocks and climbing up and over a seemingly endless path of obstructions. Caught up with three more youngsters Bug Booger and Jake from Harrisburg PA. Shared a campsite and hiked together until Abol Bridge. I caught a ride into Millinocket to dry out and regroup after we hiked and camped in heavy rain Tuesday. Back on trail 6:30 pm Wednesday hiked until 9:30 pm with headlight to Hurd Lean-to.

wow too much to say and too little time ...  ready to get back to jo-Mary Rd and complete the 100 mile wilderness.