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This kind gentleman greeted me as I met him along the road to Amettes. He seemed to think I needed some assistance finding my way. ( would have been good time for me to use translate app ) He took me around to his home to meet his wife and get her input. Called the number I have where I am staying. I was on the right road and the lady came around and got me. 

These ladies were gathered at the church courtyard. They did not speak English I do not converse in French beyond bonjour and bon appetite etc. Well they seemed interested in where I was sleeping and decided I had indicated that I needed help. When I showed them the name and address where I was staying they decided to give me a ride. They summoned the assistance of a gentleman and his son in a van to lead the way and invited me to ride with one of the ladies. Each lady had here own car. She dropped me off and as I stood in the courtyard looking at the pigions and talking with my host, I noticed the lady circle the block. Maybe they thought I was LOST. 

The husband where I am staying has messenger pigions as a hobby. Interesting details. He is the third generation of messengers.